Mar 13 2020Mental Health, Motherhood“It’s Just A Phase.”by Laura ApperleyNo Commentsphase /fāz/ noun. a. a distinct period or stage in a series of events or a process of change or development. The other day, I read this article...
Dec 20 2019Everyday Life, Marriage, MotherhoodA Year of Changesby Laura ApperleyNo Commentschange /CHānj/ verb. a. make or become different. b. take or use another instead. It’s time for my favourite post of the year! The one where I...
Dec 16 2019MotherhoodNew Momby Laura ApperleyNo Commentsmoth·er·hood noun. a. the state of being a mother. Becoming a mom is no joke. I’ve been trying to get back on here and write about my...
Jul 25 2019MotherhoodGetting Ready to Meet Our Girlby Laura ApperleyNo Commentsprepared /prəˈperd/ adj. a. made ready to use b. ready to do or deal with something It’s been 8 months… 34 weeks… 238 days…...
Mar 10 2019Marriage, MotherhoodOh, Baby!by Laura ApperleyNo Commentsba·by/ˈbābē/noun a. a very young child, especially one newly or recently born. b. a person with whom one is having a romantic relationship. WE’RE HAVING A...