sea/sē/noun. a. the expanse of salt water that covers most of the earth’s surface and surrounds its landmasses. Did you know we love a good party over...
de·liv·er·y /dəˈliv(ə)rē/ noun. a. the action of delivering letters, packages, or ordered goods. b. the process of giving birth. Say hello to our baby boy – Micah Swift Apperley!...
re·cap /ˈrēˌkap/ noun. a. a summary of what has been said; a recapitulation. Here we are again with another end of the year recap. Let’s jump right in, shall we?...
broth·er/ˈbrəT͟Hər/noun. a. a man or boy in relation to other sons and daughters of his parents. Have you heard the news? Our second baby is a boy! We’re more than...
sun·dae/ˈsənˌdā/ noun. a. a dish of ice cream with added ingredients such as fruit, nuts, syrup, and whipped cream. We celebrated our sweet girl’s 2nd birthday this weekend with a...
sib·ling/ˈsibliNG/noun. a. each of two or more children or offspring having one or both parents in common; a brother or sister. SURPRISE! Madilynn is going to be a BIG SISTER!...
trau·ma/ˈtroumə,ˈtrômə/noun. a. a deeply distressing or disturbing experience. b. physical injury. Normally, at this time of the year when I write my...
to·geth·er/təˈɡeT͟Hər/adv. a. with or in proximity to another person or people. b. into companionship or close association. Our second annual Christmas photoshoot at Drysdale’s Tree...
first/fərst/number. a. coming before all others in time or order; earliest; 1st.b. foremost in position, rank, or importance. First birthday parties are a big deal in my opinion. Sure, you could...
fa·ther·hood /ˈfäT͟Hərˌho͝od/ noun. a. the state of being a father. In honour of Father’s Day, I thought it would be fun to sit down with my two favourite men...