SURPRISE! Madilynn is going to be a BIG SISTER!
The Positive Result
Back in April, I was scheduled to have my last two wisdom teeth removed. Due to my dental work related anxiety, I was prescribed a medication to knock me out for the procedure. Since Andrew and I had decided a few months previous that we would be ready for a second baby, and I was feeling a little weird, I thought it would be smart to take a pregnancy test before picking up the medication. I had an old unused test laying in our bathroom cabinet, so I pulled it out the day before surgery, right before the start of my school day. Three minutes later, and the word “pregnant” appeared on the little screen. I was SHOCKED, and so SO happy.
I hid the test, and tried my best to focus on the math lesson for the day, while brainstorming fun ideas of how to tell Andrew the news. But just like last time, as soon as he walked in the room at lunch break, I couldn’t hide it. I pulled out the test right away to show him, and he ran all around the house, excitedly repeating, “You’re pregnant! We’re having another baby!”
As many of you know, our journey to Madilynn was a long road. Months of prayers, tears, and negative test results quickly turned into two and a half years with no baby in sight. This time around, only a couple months were needed to create another tiny miracle. Soooo, of course, we went to the drugstore right away and bought two more tests just to make sure.
And in case you were wondering, I did not pick up that sleeping medication. I had my two wisdom teeth removed while completely awake (and shaky), and only took two doses of Tylenol during the recovery. Yay me!
The First Trimester
With Madilynn, I had a hard time believing I was even pregnant, because I had none of those typical symptoms that everyone describes. This time around was completely different.
I felt nauseous almost every day, all the time. I was physically ill on several occasions, hardly had any appetite, some very uncomfortable bloating, and an overwhelming tiredness. I also had some concerning pain on my left side, which sent me for an emergency ultrasound that showed a small subchorionic hemorrhage. I was sent for an ultrasound every two weeks to monitor its size, until it finally resolved itself at around 12 weeks.
Managing all of my anxieties through this process, as well as being in another pandemic lockdown, caring for a toddler, and finishing up the most difficult school year of my career was definitely a challenge. Thankfully, I have been feeling much better now and enjoying a relaxing, playful summer with Madilynn at home.
Our new little addition is due to arrive at the beginning of January 2022, and we cannot wait to meet their sweet little face.
Stay tuned for baby’s gender reveal at the end of the summer!