The other night, as I whipped together another favourite recipe, I found myself wondering why I’ve been baking so much lately. And this tiny little question led me down quite the rabbit hole of thought.
So I jumped on here to share 5 things I’ve learned about myself in isolation.
ONE – I can live without Starbucks.
Starting things off on a somewhat silly note… We’ve always had a stellar coffee setup at home, but when mornings were hectic, I could make excuses for my drive-thru pick-ups any day. Now, brewing our coffee at home every morning has been a fun bonding experience for hubby and I, as we try out different beans from local coffee roasters.
TWO – Baking is my therapy of choice.
There’s just something about following a recipe. I’m in control, I feel accomplished, it’s a gift to my family, and it comes with a sweet reward. It’s strangely therapeutic, and also a little bit dangerous for my waistline. Plant-based is healthy though, right?
THREE – I’m not good at maintaining virtual friendships.
Getting together with friends is hard enough as an adult, let alone as a parent in a pandemic. I used to be the glue that held my social circle together – the one others relied on to make sure we stayed in touch. But somewhere between university and motherhood, I realized that I can’t always be the one to give, and never receive.
I know many people are getting creative with virtual girls’ nights and themed at-home dates, but so far, I’ve only managed regular FaceTime chats with my sister, and Google Hangouts with my in-laws. When push comes to shove, family comes first right now.
FOUR – I’m a lot more capable than I ever imagined.
I’ve been strangely determined to get things done. Having Madilynn has been a huge motivator to make good food, eat at regular times, clean up after (almost) every meal, and get to bed at a decent hour. She’s also inspired me to plan out some home renovation projects and clean up the backyard, so it’s ready to play in when the weather is FINALLY warm enough.
But having said all that, I’ve also been struggling with anxiety, and that leads me to #5.
FIVE – I should ask for help more often (and not feel guilty about it).
I’m a 2w1, and if you’re familiar with the enneagram, you’ll know that this means I frequently feel internal conflict as I work to meet everyone’s needs but my own. I am motivated by solving problems and accomplishing goals, but I can be highly self-critical and insecure under pressure.
I could write an entire blog post about how this plays out in our marriage. But for now, I’ll just say that trying to do everything myself, often leads to burnout and a sizeable emotional breakdown. So, I’m slowly learning to recognize the signs and ask for help before that happens.
So, there you have it – 5 things I’ve learned about myself during isolation.
Have you learned anything about yourself? Let me know in the comments below!