a. either of a pair of people engaged together in the same activity.
b. either member of a married couple or of an established unmarried couple.
Life as a mom is stressful.
My brain is spinning from the moment I wake to the moment I go to sleep (and then usually into the night). I feel ALL THE THINGS, and it’s utterly exhausting.
And to be honest, I dove so deep into this motherhood thing that I lost sight of us for a while there.
But in so many ways, you are the unsung hero in our family. I get a lot of the “credit,” but you are just as integral—to the baby, to the house, to me. And just because my stress looks different than yours, doesn’t mean that it is more valid.
So, I want you to know that I see the monumental effort and amount of work you’re putting in each and every day.
You work hard to meet the demands of your fast-paced career, while building a business of your own. You put your heart, mind and soul into every project on your plate, even the ones you wish would go away.
You worry about our families – their health, their happiness, their future. You always want what’s best for them, even sometimes at your own expense.
You problem solve ways to improve yourself, so you can better support our family. You’re learning to communicate your mental health needs, even though it’s hard to be vulnerable.
You plan home improvement projects, time for your hobbies, and fun things for us to do. You continue to work on the great balancing act of life, even when it seems to only gets harder.
You play with our daughter in every spare moment, making her laugh, even when you’re having the worst kind of day.
You help out around the house whenever you can. You cook tasty meals, even when we’re low on groceries, and ensure that the garbage is out at the curb, even when it’s pouring rain.
You truly share the load.
You are IN THIS life with me – deep in the trenches of new parenthood. And I’m in awe of this beautiful family we’re creating together.
So, thank you for all the things you do—the things I notice, and the things I don’t. Thank you for being by my side and filling my world with more love than I could have ever imagined.
You make everything better.
Your Wife