
a. of or enjoying happiness
b. bringing pleasure, contentment, or good fortune

Currently, on social media, you’ll find hundreds of posts of the opinion that 2016 was a terrible year. It’s funny how that happens – a collective disappointment with the past 365 days. While I do not want to diminish the legitimacy of these complaints, nor do I wish to brag, I feel very much the opposite.

Yes, there were definitely some less than pleasant times – Valentine’s day without my husband, a car crash involving my family, and a final farewell to my grandma – but overall, I am feeling so incredibly blessed.

At the end of last year, I wrote a blog post about reflections, where I looked forward to “another year full of love, joy, and adventure.” As I look back on 2016, I can confidently say that, for me, it was all of those things and more.

The Major Events

These are the highlights of 2016 for me… the life-changing moments … the easy-to-see blessings … the things that brought joy in a big way.

A Little Road Trip, Eh! 

The drive I took with my sister this summer was an incredible experience. We travelled across four provinces, while listening to our favourite acoustic tunes and snacking on our favourite treats. We were on a mission to tour the lovely island of Prince Edward. This adventure made me truly appreciate the beauty that is our country, and the blessing that is my sister.

California Dreamin’

Another highlight of the summer, Andrew and I spent our FIRST anniversary in the Golden state and it was glorious! Even the terrible flight experience adds to the memory. We explored the city by trolley, walked great distances along the coast, and saw lots of amazing creatures, both wild and contained. California is a place I would be happy to visit over and over again!

{Check out my Goodbye Summer post if you want to read more about these two adventures.}

Moving to the Big City

After a year of living in our hometown, we made the move closer to work. While I didn’t love it at first, I’ve come to appreciate the conveniences. The shorter drive to work has opened up greater opportunities for me, and provided much more time for everyday tasks, like cleaning the house and eating dinner with my husband. All in all, a very positive experience for us.

Roughing it in the Backcountry

Andrew decided to take me on my first backcountry camping adventure this year. Though he had done this many times before, it was a huge learning curve for both of us. It rained the entire weekend, except for when we hiked in and hiked out, so for a lot of the time, we were wet and we were tired. As you can imagine, we were a little less than patient with each other. Even in the storms, though, we realized that we each had valuable experience and insight to offer. We worked side by side, and in the end, felt as if we had conquered something great.

Getting Classy at the Ballet…Twice!

Over the past several years, I’ve had an obsession with checking “attend the national ballet” off of my bucket list. To my surprise, I was able to do this TWICE in just one month. First, my husband surprised me with tickets to see Cinderella for our monthly major date night. {If you’re not doing this already, I highly recommend it.} Then, my sister gifted me with tickets to see The Nutcracker. The beautiful sets, the orchestral masterpieces, and the poised dancers were incredible sights to behold. Both times, I was in awe of it all.

A Surprise Feline

On somewhat of a whim, we adopted the most precious little cat this year. Being the caffeine addicts that we are, we decided to name her after the best part of a freshly made espresso – the Crema. She is sweet, she is playful, and she makes our place feel more like home. We are so happy to love and be loved by her.

The Same Job… With Added Perks

Andrew’s company was bought by a major player in the tech industry, which basically means he continues the same work with the same people, but at a new location with added perks. This was one of those mind-blowing occurrences that has really made us feel blessed beyond measure. We can hardly fathom the reasons why God has given us so much, but we accept it gracefully and pray that we will continue to walk wisely and with purpose.

Zooming Away with a New Car

I often shy away from listing physical things when counting my blessings out of fear that my intentions will be misconstrued. However, I don’t feel the list would be complete if I did not include this vehicle. We decided to trade in our trusty Toyota Corolla for an environmentally-friendly Toyota Prius. We felt that it was time for an upgrade that would both benefit us and minimize our impact on the world around us. This was our first major purchase as a married couple, and so far, it has been incredible.

Becoming Auntie Laura

Last, but certainly not least, I have been gifted with a beautiful little niece! She is so tiny and so precious, and I cannot wait to watch her grow.

The Minor Joys

Just the other day, my aunt unknowingly reminded me how important it is to notice the good, no matter how small, or seemingly insignificant. So, I wanted to make a point of including the small, day-to-day joys of the past year, too.

  • Sipping warm beverages in small town coffee shops.
  • Getting creative at a Paint Night with my hubby.
  • Watching every season of Grey’s Anatomy for the second time over.
  • Delighting in friendships that continue to grow.
  • Riding bikes on the Toronto Islands.
  • Reuniting with my roommates and sharing in life’s changes.
  • Taking in an exciting Blue Jays game with my best girl friends.
  • Watching The Lumineers perform all of my favourite songs.
  • Seeing the leaves change colour in the fall. {Classic.}
  • Wandering through the apple orchard picking the shiniest apples to make pies.
  • Watching Adele tear up on stage as the audience belted out her beautiful ballads.
  • Making connections with students and staff at the best school around.
  • Visiting old friends and revelling in childhood memories at a new (old) church.
  • Adventuring in St. Jacob’s Village to get into the Christmas spirit with my sister.
  • Laughing at all the things my husband says in his sleep.
  • Coming home from work each day to the sound of the bell on Crema’s collar.
  • Watching new episodes of Gilmore Girls on Netflix, and crying because it was all so perfect.
  • Getting cozy by the fireplace on a weekend away with my guy.
  • Touring through the Distillery Christmas Market with my twin.
  • Curious Kindergarteners who ask the funniest questions and imagine the craziest things.
  • Playing board games with family and laughing until we cried.

As I reflect on the year past, I see the fabric of life woven together by these relatively normal, sometimes reoccurring moments. This list of joys is much longer than I had intended at first, but it only makes me all the more grateful.

Here’s to another new year full of wonderful surprises!